Hi, I'm Des. I'm a writer, adventurer, general idea lover and aspiring polymath. I'm passionate about good design, social justice, and making the world a more whimsical and delightful place. If you'd like to know more about me, read on below.
I'm Des, which is short for Desiree. My parents chose my name because it means 'the desired one', but I also happen to share it with a waxy pink potato that's very good for mashing – thus my nickname Spud, which was bestowed upon me by my year 8 history teacher, Bruce Dennett.
I've always been a hopeless logophile – I spent my childhood voraciously consuming every book I could lay my hands on, from literary classics like Oliver Twist and Call of the Wild to childrens books like Enid Blyton's The Famous Five. I've always been enchanted by the beauty of words, and the power they have to shape how we see and experience our world.
I love to learn, and explore, and be challenged. I firmly believe in opening myself up to new experiences, both professionally and socially. The more you experience, the more you know and understand about the world, and the greater your appreciation for different tastes and points of view. I'm willing to try almost anything twice - which has found me in quite a few unexpected and wildly unusual situations which I can tell you more about if we ever meet.
I'm passionate about psychology, design, and technology. I think we can solve so many of the world's problems by designing more holistically, creating systems that reward positive behaviours, and looking for ways that disparate issues can be simultaneously addressed, like electricity generating gym equipment – which helps people be more healthy and environmentally conscious at the same time.
I want to change the world and make it a more whimsical, delightful, and amusing place. Do you want to help me?
I hope these enrich, enhance and enliven your life as much as they have mine.
Learn about habit creation, memory, procrastination, writer's block and so much more.
Cross-discliplary interestingness.
Bite sized, practical psychological lessons.
Beautifully creative ideas and stories.
Data tested UI choices.
Reasons why you should get in contact:
This website was designed and built by Desiree Conceicao, in 2016.
I used some awesome jquery and javascript plugins, including elevator.js, smoothscroll.js, and slick.js.
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